I'll tell you this, it didn't take 12 years to enjoy it, not even 12 hours.
And with that we were set for the night and ready. Ready to take on Ben Wyvis in the morning. On skis. with dogs. And with the blue sky's and sun that the stunning weather lassy told us on the news that night.
The three monkeys (Neil, Mark and myself) set off. We parked up and unpack ski's, dog's and hip flask (remainder of the bottle), and started the walk-in.
The beautiful weather lassy was right. And the walk-in was good (apart from the blister developing on my heels. Shite).
We got tae the big boulder before setting up. When it came apparent that there was, despite the photo, an extreme lack of snow. Ice however, there was plenty of that!
So the three determined monkeys set off with stubborn determination to skin up this bitch....but...as usual...the bitch won. And it wasn't long before the ski's where in hand and all three of us were kicking steps with the same stubborn determination as before. It was funny how we didn't really think aboot how tae get doon! Tae the expert skier this wouldn't be a problem. But we're not experts. We're pish!
We could see a gully at the bottom and it looked like it had some more snow, maybe 2 inches of the freshest power ever seen!
The start of the gully seemed tricky for Neil.
But soon enough the three monkeys were sliding doon the gully with grace and agility
After a day like that. The three monkeys were dog tired!
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